
Posté dans divers par kerbacho - Date : juin 13th, 2005

En cherchant sur la toile des informations sur mon chanteur préféré, je suis tombé sur ce récit affligeant d’un concert au Pakistan : (si le lien ne marche plus, cliquer ici pour récupérer la page en PDF)
The event started with a one-hour delay. The Ustads began their performance on Raag Puriadhanatri followed by a Thumri. The audience was seen perpetually disrupting the performance by talking incessantly. Some were even seen talking on their mobile phones. The audience was also clearly not aware of the ethics of sitting in front of the performers since many of them decided to leave while the Ustaads were still singing. But in spite of the disillusioning scenario, the lilting voices of the performers gripped the few listeners that could truly appreciate the melodies. The performers showed their skill at creating a surreal atmosphere through rhythm by repeating one verse in different tones.

Cela se passait en 2004 à Lahore mais ça n’a rien d’exceptionnel. Un téléphone a sonné la semaine dernière dans le public de l’Espace Senghor lors du concert de Dhruba Ghosh.


Posté dans divers par kerbacho - Date : juin 13th, 2005

Quand l'enfant rit.

Birgit, 15 mois.
Rire c’est panser.